Claudia Klein, born in 1977 in Freiburg (DE), studied photography, design and painting in Würzburg (DE) and Toulouse (FR). She taught art and space at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and photography at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel. Her work has been published in numerous magazines and books and often exhibited, including I’m not going anywhere, Bad Gastein (AT) 2020, Paradise Room, GOODROOD, Berlin (DE) 2022, NaturalMetamorphosis, Lustenau (AT) 2022, Ombre d’Horizon, Zurich (CH) 2023, Planted Base, GOODROOD, Berlin (DE) 2023, Wave, THE SPACE, Hamburg (DE) 2023 and Shaped by time, THE SPACE, Hamburg (DE) 2024, JOSEFF__ROT HAT EIN BOOT, Düsseldorf (DE) 2024. Claudia Klein lives and works in Zurich.
Claudia Klein, born in 1977 in Freiburg (DE), studied photography, design and painting in Würzburg (DE) and Toulouse (FR). She taught art and space at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and photography at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel. Her work has been published in numerous magazines and books and often exhibited, including I’m not going anywhere, Bad Gastein (AT) 2020, Paradise Room, GOODROOD, Berlin (DE) 2022, NaturalMetamorphosis, Lustenau (AT) 2022, Ombre d’Horizon, Zurich (CH) 2023, Planted Base, GOODROOD, Berlin (DE) 2023, Wave, THE SPACE, Hamburg (DE) 2023 and Shaped by time, THE SPACE, Hamburg (DE) 2024, JOSEFF__ROT HAT EIN BOOT, Düsseldorf (DE) 2024. Claudia Klein lives and works in Zurich.
Fleeting forms captured, fixed and captured, frozen, fluid moods of light, atmospheres pictorially
captured: in Claudia Klein‘s works, the perception of precisely the most ephemeral elements of nature
plays a major role. Her photographic pieces, like her painted works, explore themes such as the present
moment and infinity, as well as the relationship between the two. The perpetual movement of the sea, the
continuous change of the sky, the decay of plants: these processes find their analogy in painting: the
conscious (inter)flow of colour on ground, working outdoors. Claudia Klein integrates the influence of
nature in her works, allows metamorphoses: Nature destroys and adds, accelerates or slows down ageing
processes. Klein‘s photographic and artistic practice invokes both ancient and modern
mythologies of the sublime and opens up questions about the aesthetics of nature and the positioning of
the perceiver in the natural space. The search for alternative ways of living, for reassurance with
nature and for the energy of the invisible result in a visual language that is as abstract as it is
ephemeral. In her work Metamorphosis I a Metamorphosis II, the genres of photography and painting are
intertwined. A picture she painted in nature, the only one shown in the exhibition on canvas with
acrylic, is captured in its drying process with all the traces that the place has left on the canvas.
The view of it is neither documentary nor repro-photographic, but a pictorial transposition of the found
moment, the almost impressionistic mood of light, which is of great importance for her painterly work